Ron lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada together with his wife Christine and very close to his children and five grandchildren. He drives an MX5 sports car with the soft top down as often as possible. He is an artist who paints what he sees, the mountain, ocean and river scenery, as well as the agricultural and vineyard images near his home. When he travels in Europe he cannot help but to paint the village life where he stays. He spent a lifetime working with words and along the way earned Master’s and Doctoral degrees related to his altruistic service to people. He has been a spiritual shepherd and pastor to people in several congregations and the President of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada.
He is a storyteller as well as a Bible scholar. His artistic passions combine with imagination to fashion fiction for children and adults. One Children's title is offered presently.
His commentaries are devotional, blending scholarly examination with relevant practicality. They are intended to encourage the casual reader as well as to inform the studious Bible teacher.