Examining his existence subsequent to the shock the trauma seemed like so much broken glass whose crystal shards recurrently cut him...
Back Story up front: This poem reflects the experience of a man whom I have only known since he met and married for the second time. This...

Ten years ago I wrote this: “As Christine and I were saying goodnight to one another, she with her head resting on her pillow and me...

Time evaporates for me. I have so many visual and verbal irons in my daily fire pit, that I predictably miss addressing one of them....

Where Did Summer Go?
Perhaps you feel as I do, specially if you are a teacher. The summer break is done and school begins again. For anyone else who regards...

Two Judases: The Traitor And The Tenderheart
the opening of chapter two of ‘THE ELEVEN’, Two Judases: The Traitor And The Tenderheart ACROSS THE DARK NIGHT SKY over the Galilean...

NEW IN 2017
In 2017, I am hoping to publish ‘SHE SAID CHECKMATE,’ a sequel in my Sorenson Series. ‘Crandall’s Door’ came out in 2016 and featured...

Time Flies - Space Travel
It’s almost 2 months since I last blogged here and even in August I was decrying the fact that my writing had been displaced in lieu of...

What was I Thinking
I have done it to myself. I love to paint and I love to write. I don’t know what to do next. I set my painting aside for the past six...

Ambition is on Hold
What was I thinking. I suggested three posts ago that I would complete my thriller novel by mid-summer. I suppose that my expectation was...