Where Did Summer Go?

Perhaps you feel as I do, specially if you are a teacher. The summer break is done and school begins again. For anyone else who regards summer months as a respite from the routine of autumn and winter months, we wonder how these many weeks have scooted by so rapidly.
Christine and I did many things. She is the itinerary specialist so she made the arrangements for our family trip this summer. She and I and our two married children and their children ages ranging from 10-17 years, flew to Quebec and Ontario Canada from our western Canada, British Columbia home. This was a three week celebration of many things, our fiftieth wedding anniversary, her 74th birthday, my 75th birthday, my brother Murray’s 70th and Christine’s brother Robert’s 70th, and so much more. We had 3 day reunions with her Langlois clan and then with my Unruh clan, and capped it with a Cousins Reunion, my brothers and I and all our peer cousins, some of whom we have not seen for many years. The entire extravagant treat was a one-off, once in a lifetime gift to ourselves.

As well this summer I have tried a new activity, marshalling at Pagoda Ridge Golf Course on afternoon each week and in exchanged I am entitled to play a couple of rounds of golf. It’s a good deal for everyone.
Now as Autumn approaches I need to return to my painting and some commission work to which I am committing myself. More concerning is the disciplined time I must devote to writing again. I have given myself a huge hiatus, one entire year away from writing books. Well polishing off four in one year, 2016, earned me that break. But I have so many ideas which I want to articulate. It may be hard however, because Christine has a wanderlust, and she keeps speaking to me about travelling to England again, and Ireland, Portugal and Spain for the first times, and who knows what else. She has earned a lavish trip too, since the past twelve months were a physical challenge but we thankfully have turned that corner. On we go.

The Langlois Family Reunion met in Hudson, Quebec.
The Unruh Family Reunion met in St. Catharines, Ontario.