A Brand New Website

I am elated that already in 2016 I have published four books. Of course the projects were in process for a very long time. Technology has enabled writers like myself to make our work available to our networks and the public via ebook and print on demand platforms. I couldn’t be more pleased unless an agent managed to engage a publisher. I will continue to use this avenue as I invest myself in writing. This blog page will likely receive only occasional posts from me since I have several blogs that I manage. This page will serve as a means to update news on my new projects.
News such as the release of ‘Kill the PM’ a novel for adults, a thriller that will take my readers by surprise. You will absolutely find this tale one that you cannot put down. I am aiming for a release before the end of this year perhaps in time for you to take a relaxing few hours during a Thanksgiving or Christmas break to let me take you into an adventure.