Promises, Promises

I really believed that my fourth book entitled WHY?, would have been completed a while ago. I actually stated mid-April. Oh well. Life and unexpected twists interrupt routines. It requires another proof read and some fine tuning of a couple of chapters. It should be ready for release by June 1, 2016. The full title is WHY? The Riddle of the Human Experience. It seems so meaningless ... unless ... and the book reveals the author’s conclusion. As a matter of fact, he draws so many conclusions, many of which sound like anything but the Bible, one might wonder whether the book was admitted into the canon of scripture by mistake. Oh, I didn’t tell you. This is a devotional commentary of the Old Testament book Ecclesiastes. I know that you will find this informative and fascinating. It supplies reasonable answers for the mysteries of the life experience.
I will do my best to have this ready in both eBook and paperback by June 1st.
Oh no, Why did I promise it that soon?